> What is this thing in my washroom?

What is this thing in my washroom?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
Take a look at the picture at this link


What is that thing right beside the toilet?

I thinks its a toilet for males and beside its right side commode is there.

If it does not spray water on you, it is a toilet for males.

Noch nie etwas von einem "Bidet" gehoert?

Bidet wird nach dem Toilettengang zur reinigen der unteren Koerperteile benutzt.

Ich wollte schon immer ein "Bidet" in meinem Bad fuer meinen persoenlichen Reinigungs Bedarf.


ooooops, I forgot to translate as I was just leaving the German "Answer" forum

Never heard of a "bidet"? Bidet is an appliance for personal hygiene. First you use the toilet and wipe and flush, THEN you can bathe your lower extremeties in the bidet. There is a cold and warm water hook up.

Always wanted one in my bathroom for my own personal cleansing care.

It's a bathtub for pets and small children

A bidet?

Take a look at the picture at this link


What is that thing right beside the toilet?