> What kind of shrooms grow in florida?

What kind of shrooms grow in florida?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
This link might help you -


I know you said you don't want to buy stuff to grow your own, but it really isn't expensive and it's much safer than hoping you identify the correct wild mushrooms. Spores-$15 (for multiple jars), Jars-$10, Pressure cooker-$35 (walmart), Bird Seed-$5 = $65total for all the mushrooms you'd want to eat.

Like mentioned about possibly being shot while hunting cow fields you can also be arrested for trespassing. If you hunt on government land they can ticket you for removing government property (no joke, I've seen a couple news articles of people being ticketed in my area).

You can find them in wooded areas, but it's probably not as easy. It is always best to have a book on mushroom identification to help identify them. And never ever eat a mushroom you can't 100% identify, if you have any question don't eat it.

just eat any mushrooms you find they will all do the trick go look in the forest under logs branches things like that or maybe in old rotting logs they grow there a lot.

yeah the best shroom to eat is called amanita phalloides (cause it looks like a dick lol

it will get you so high youll never come down

it look's like this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amanita_pha...

Hi obviously I live in Florida its legal here but i understand the circumstances but anyways I don't want to go out and buy materials I'm aware of going out and hunting for them in cow **** but here in Florida if you trespass they have the right to gun you right there I would like tips for hunting for them in farms right nows the best Time cause the rain but would i be able to find ones in wooded area or normal grass if so what species? I don't need a drug lecture if you've never tried it and are against it i don't want to hear it because the beauty of something like this is amazing, breath taking, and life changing. Thank you fellow people :)