> What kind of spider is this?

What kind of spider is this?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
A variety of wolf spider. They are common in the midwest and are a large spider, but they are harmless. I hate them though, they are fast and creepy. It is not a brown recluse.

Wolf Spider

This is a wolf spider, likely Rabidosa genus. A rather harmless spider, and an outdoor spider,

Just catch your little friend with a cup and put it outside. The tapitum in the eyes (eyeshine) gives this family of spiders away.


To me it looks as tho it may be a brown recluse not to be mistaken for the black recluse spider its cousin, The brown recluse bears a potentially deadly hemotoxic venom. and can cause odd and irregular conditions among human if bitten but it often takes allot for them to bite humans as they are natural not aggressive.

Hard to tell, look at wolf spider pics also and see if that was it

From the pic, it might be a striped garden orb-weaver?

I saw this spider in the hallway this morning. What kind of spider is it? It was bigger than a quarter. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10202173686813417&set=a.1021846916212.2003477.1526370096&type=1&theater