These are different colors but are very, very similar. The reality is that when you go to the paint store, none of the available paint colors will be called "turquoise" or "Tiffany blue" but will instead have the paint manufacturer's name such as "Surfer", "Biscay", etc.
Go to the paint store, grab some samples and decide what works best for you.
they are close colors and look at individually and ask several people what color is this you'll get different answers everyone's eyes don't see the exact same color
My favorite color is turquoise but my family says it is Tiffany blue also. But I am not sure and I want to paint my room turquoise but all of the color sample logs we have aren't the color turquoise I like. I don't want it to be too light that I get a headache and not too dark. So idk. what the difference is between turquoise and Tiffany blue? Thanks!