> What should i do with the front of my house?

What should i do with the front of my house?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
So this is the front of the house and I was wondering what I could do with it to make it look a bit nicer. Any help would be nice, thank you.

The first thing I would do is go to the library and look at pictures in gardening books to get ideas. Also pintrist has a lot of awesome pics of great ideas that people have come up with. I personally would get rid of the grass and put some kind of rock water fall thing that would have some awesome trees around it and seating area to hang out in. Like a table and chairs or maybe a fire pit. Anyways It also depends on where you live and what your weather is like. Well good luck and have fun.

There are many ways to landscape UR front yard. What ever UR planting zone u can add a few hanging plant to the front... Then some potted plants on the porch.

According to water availability add a shade evergreen in the front for year round interest... Add a waterr feature near the new stepping stone walk way added to welcome company & add curb appeal.

Go to UR local box box store for landscape books that show tips and many ideas available on display.

So this is the front of the house and I was wondering what I could do with it to make it look a bit nicer. Any help would be nice, thank you.