> What to do about a neighborhood nuisance?

What to do about a neighborhood nuisance?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
I would sit out on the front porch and clean my shotgun. An electric fence charger would put a stop to peeing on the fence and would make a great video.

This is where society is breaking down... years ago, society itself controlled behaviour like this... someone leaves rubbish about, pees on your fence? the whole village sorts them out... now, no one believes they are responsible for their own environment, they think the police or council are... they're not. What should happen here is all the big, decent men in the street should get hold of these little shits and beat the crap out of them... but of course, thats now allowed... thats whats wrong.

The shire council should be contacted because I bet the house they live in is rented. The council can contact the property manager and they'll get a warning this way. If they continue to contravene their rental agreement (which includes good behavior) they can be evicted. Problem solved.

you can simply tell them not to do that again as it causes inconvenience to you....

We have these neighbors, teenage boys that are now 18, that leave cigarettes and beer bottles across the street from us. They also used to come take water from out hose and fill up what looked like red gas canisters for gas. They used it for their car. They literally live down the street from us, but they came to our house to take water (in a major drought where our water bill is ridiculously high). So we got a lock for our water spout outside. However, now we've caught them peeing on our fence. Who knows what else they have been doing to our house when we can't see. We don't feel safe, but we're scared if we go to the cops they'll retaliate by damaging our house or even hurting our family members. What should we do?