> Where is my messengeer?

Where is my messengeer?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
Did you ask this in Yahoo products? I did and did not get an answer, but a lot of people were asking the same thing about a month ago.

My Messenger has not worked in about 2 months. It worked for a few minutes about a week ago and it had a message it will not be there in December of this year.

You Know fior the last week I have not had any messenger when I sign in to my email and I have tryed to call you people, getting no where. Now this is begining to stimk and I am getting tired of it for I love to chat with my friends and family, and this is the best for me since i dont have a phone. So now instal the yahoo messnger to my email naylor4345@yahoo.com would you please. It seems like this happens every year at summer time. It is getting to be very annoying to say the least. Just fix this problem is all I ask, Thank You, may yo have a nice day.

Respestfully Yours

Michael Propp