> Which Room to pick?

Which Room to pick?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
A rectangular room is always easier to arrange furniture in. There usually is more wall space,therefore

giving you more choices of where to place the bed.

A change from what you have always lived with, might be very interesting for you.

Would the rectangular room be closer to the bathroom? Just a thought.

You have to take Square room because small room can decorate easliy and fill with decorative items which makes your room looks beautiful rather than larger room.

Square, because then you can configure it like your old room.

Take a chance here. Learn to deal with change.

Take the larger room.

square shaped

I have the choice between two rooms in my new house. One square and one rectangle. The area of the square is smaller, however it would be configured basically the same as my room now that I've lived in all my life, it's just a few square feet smaller. The other room is configured differently, and it is much longer and a few feet less wide.

Should I take the bigger room or the one with the configurations I've known my whole life? How should I make a decision? Not a huge decision just would like advice on how to decide OR which you would take