> Why are house toilets so much crappier than public toilets?

Why are house toilets so much crappier than public toilets?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
Your question: "Why are house toilets so much crappier than public toilets? Every time I use the toilet in my own house or someone else's to take a **** it gets clogged, but out in public, I've never once needed a plunger. Is there a conspiracy by plunger manufacturers to make domestic toilets weaker in order to sell more plungers?"

Your premises:

All home toilets get clogged consistently and all public toilets are always in working order.

Your evidence:


Your conclusion:

All home toilets get clogged consistently and all public toilets are always in working order.

Your modus operandi:


? http://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Overgeneral...

? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fallacy_of_...

"How To Fix Slow Flushing Toilet Tips - Slow Draining Toilet" ?

You flush in public? That takes away all the fun of "peek-a-poo"

Every time I use the toilet in my own house or someone else's to take a **** it gets clogged, but out in public, I've never once needed a plunger.

Is there a conspiracy by plunger manufacturers to make domestic toilets weaker in order to sell more plungers?