> Why wont a ceiling fan make air?

Why wont a ceiling fan make air?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
Put the blades on correctly then flip the little switch on the side so that it goes into the opposite direction should be pushing air down now.I 've installed many fans ,and this is the only solution I can think of

Ceiling fans do not produce air first of all and second the fans only circulate the air around i dont know why it wouldnt work every fan works unless you did not install something correctly

Making air is done in the atmosphere.

The ceiling fan in my living room does not make any air. I don't understand why. I have never run across a ceiling fan that doesn't make air. I have reversed the blades, that is I've taken them down and turned them the other way. I've reversed the motor and it just doesn't make any air. What could this be?