> Will lime juice kill small black ants?

Will lime juice kill small black ants?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
I've never heard of using lime for ants!

Buy a small container of peppermint oil (sometimes called mint oil), mix a few drops in a cup of water and put the mixture in a spray bottle. Shake bottle and squirt it anywhere you see them little suckers coming in. Repeat once a week. Ants HATE mint....... ;-)


These stupid little ants are really annoying me. I left pizza and ginger ale out over night and they just moved in over night through the crack in the door. Help!!!!!!! I keep vacuuming them I made a cayenne and black pepper paste for the bottom door panel it worked at first they wouldn't cross it but since its dried they're back. I also put down some sticky mouse pads it caught a couple but these little A-holes are just too smart. What is not costly that will work. Will lime drive them away and how should I do it?

Thank you :)