> Would a blue roof affect resale of home?

Would a blue roof affect resale of home?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
I think it sounds lovely but, it is really up to each individual person's tastes as to whether or not they will like it. I think the majority of people will just be happy to have a new roof on their home and could care less about the colour. If they like everything else about the property I highly doubt the "wrong" (in their opinion) colour of roof will affect their decision.

Good luck :)

I think it sounds a good way to attract buyers and get the price you want from it.

A blue roof with matching shutters on a cream home sounds pretty.

If you want, 'try on' a blue roof by altering a photo of your house; I once did this to 'try on' white shutters. Good luck!

It's a personal taste thing. Somebody will either love it, be indifferent or loathe it.

Since anybody not liking it will avoid making an offer ,, we will soon find out by number of folk coming to view.

sophisticated thing query onto yahoo that will can help

We have a couple of blue roofs in our neighborhood and we find them quite attractive. Nicer than the beige, brown or black. We have chosen cream siding with blue shutters and are considering a blue roof. I'm wondering what an average person would think about that, or if they would just be happy to have a $30k investment in their new home already done.