> Would you reschedule or forget it?

Would you reschedule or forget it?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
If they cant make it to there first appt. then its obvious your project is not as important as you think it is,to them?you've had the time to research there complaints?research your your contractor.If You want some fly-by-nite contractor who is trying to get jobs by calling everyone and cant make there first appt. working for You?Don't be surprised when they have taken your hard earned money and left your house half done,exposed to the elements?

Remember your property/house is an investment,and not to mention something you will have to live in.Taking the time to do your homework,maybe getting several estimates(usally free)will save you from a nightmare.You want a reliable contractor or You want "any" contractor?

reputable contractors would not solicit business this way. would recommend a quick search on the computer for a state licensed and bonded contractor. this is still no guarentee , so you might want to check angie's list or similar. get more than one estimate, they 're free. and make sure you are comfortable with the contractor. i was in the business for 30+ yrs. and i could tell you horror stories of going in to fix others work. oh , and one last warning, make sure they obtain a permit and get proper inspections.

Forget it. The only company I would ever do business with if they call me is Sears if they call to offer carpet cleaning. No reputable company which does repairs/remodelling/renovating does business that way.

Are you on the national "do not call" registry?

I would never do business with a company that starts out by ignoring that law.

Instant red flag when a company contacts you when you did not initiate that contact. Do not communicate with them at all and if they call back, in a loud voice, tell them to never call back and remove your name and number from any lists they have you on.

I recently received a telemarketing call offering a service I actually need (a free estimate on home repair-remodel).

Since it was convenient that they called and saved me the bother of trying to find someone, I scheduled an appointment for one week later and made appropriate arrangements to be home.

Two hours before the scheduled appointment, they called to cancel and asked to reschedule.

I said I'd get back to them but am not too eager to bother.

I was VERY clear about needing a LOT of home repair and remodel, so this would have turned into a very large job.

I've never heard of their company before and after investigating, I see they have a handful of complaints about their telemarketing (not the actual home repair service).

Would you reschedule with them or take this last minute cancellation as a red flag and just find someone else ?