you are definitely a cutie! You could try to go work out more in the gym and build ur body up a bit. Just remember that confidence is sexy! Believe in yourself and the rest will follow.
appearance improved
Don't listen to Carlos. Listen to Smiley. If you don't want to work out then you don't have to. If you're not at a healthy weight then yeah, I would recommend it just for your health. But a nice body is attractive, but it's the personality that is one of the main things. Get a stylish hairstyle, too, be confident and smile sincerely. Wear casual jeans and maybe skip on the t-shirts. Go with a shirt that's bit fancier maybe, obviously not too fancy, like a polo or button up.
You will feel better if you have faith in your appearance, try to smile sincerely. Besides, you can do some exercises to shape your body and pay attention to famous fashion websites to dress up you better. If you stick to it long enough you can find your appearance improved.
firstly, get to gym- work out like kimbo slice or brock lesnar- then you can develop a physique like them next -think jersy shore- get some clothes like pauly d or mike- tapout and iron fist t-shirts work best then just start passing wild comments, remarks about all the hot women around- believe me they will start noticing you it would help if you develop a bad bay image as well- chicks dig that