If it's 17 degrees I would wear a parka, heavy winter coat, gloves, boots, snow pants, and a hat.
You need to put that it's 17oC because all those Americans think that is 17F so they think it's freezing! Depending on what you're doing I would suggest a skirt or jeans, probably a bit too cool for shorts!
Bundle up! I would also check the weather (snowing or windy or sunny) and base your outfit off of that. Grab some boots and some thick socks, and wear jeans with long jhons or leggings (or fleece lined leggings) under them. Dress your top in layers. Tank under a tee-shirt under a sweater under a jacket. That way if for any reason you start getting hot you can take off a layer and adjust to stay comfortable. Bring a scarf, some gloves, and a hat that covers your ears. Have fun and stay warm!
Jeans n jacket
go to the internet and google it